Period Ending for Newest Safety Cameras
The Richmond Police Department reminds motorists that the grace period for speeding violations at the newest Safety Camera locations ends today, Wednesday, February 26. Violations at these locations on or after February 27 will result in a citation.
The newest locations of the cameras at Richmond High School for the Arts (4000 block of Midlothian Turnpike) and Thomas Jefferson High School (1400 block of Malvern Avenue) have been capturing speeding violations in front of the schools during student arrival and dismissal times, resulting in warnings to the registered owners of the vehicles during the grace period.
The two pilot locations at Linwood Holton Elementary and Patrick Henry School of Science and Arts have been in operation since March of last year and are continuing to issue violations. The 11 first expansion locations have been in operation since October of last year and are also continuing to issue violations.
The RPD, in conjunction with the city’s Vision Zero Task Force, under the umbrella of the Richmond Department of Public Works (DPW), and with the support of the Safe and Healthy Streets Commission, the Richmond City Council, and Mayor Danny Avula, have deployed safety cameras at Richmond schools at 13 total locations.
For more information on Safety Camera