Week of April 25
800 blk E Broad between N 8th and N 9th,
curbside eastbound lanes closed until late April for sewer main replacement
10th and Cary, Southlawn Ave, and S St between
Oakwood and 34th, sewer rehab, intermittent lane and street closures
through July
Streets bordered by by Joplin, Enfield, Harwood, Lenmore, E
18th, sewer rehab, intermittent lane and street closures through
Streets bordered by Park, Grove, Stafford, and Allen for
sewer rehab intermittent lane and street closures through August
100 blk N Shields closed beginning May 2
1900 blk Cedar between Mosby and E Marshall closed today
200 blk Stuart Ave between N Meadow and N Rowland closed
100-500 blks N 31st, 2800-3200 blks Broad lane
closures all week
Lane closures Monday
3900 blk Exter
1500 blk Lombardy
1-100 blks 10th at Cary
2300 blk alley north of W Grace closed Tuesday
2000 blk Grove, 1800 blk, lane closures Wednesday-Friday
Southlawn lane closures Wednesday
300 blk Allen, 2600 blk W Broad lane closures Thursday